Today Chloee and I had our hair cut. We both whacked off all of our hair. We had a couple of reasons. The biggest reason for Chloee was her headaches. In the mornings she just cries when I brush through her hair because it makes her head hurt more than it already does. It will also save time in the mornings too.
For me it was the whole time thing. I just don't have time to take care of a full head of hair that goes down to the middle of my back. More often than not it's just pulled back in a hat and I am sick of having hat head. Not only that, but dang it, my head hurts from brushing it too!! My hair tangles so easily, and it's naturally curly so it takes soooo much time to tame it when it's long.
I think Chloee can totally pull off short hair. What do you think?
Hellllooooo World!!!
14 years ago