Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hair Cuts....

Today Chloee and I had our hair cut. We both whacked off all of our hair. We had a couple of reasons. The biggest reason for Chloee was her headaches. In the mornings she just cries when I brush through her hair because it makes her head hurt more than it already does. It will also save time in the mornings too.

For me it was the whole time thing. I just don't have time to take care of a full head of hair that goes down to the middle of my back. More often than not it's just pulled back in a hat and I am sick of having hat head. Not only that, but dang it, my head hurts from brushing it too!! My hair tangles so easily, and it's naturally curly so it takes soooo much time to tame it when it's long.

I think Chloee can totally pull off short hair. What do you think?

Monday, December 1, 2008


Chloee is having a rough time again. We are out of the Zofran again, and she really seems to need it.
She called today to come home from school but I couldn't go get her because we were in the middle of Rhett's IEP.
We are waiting for Andy to get paid to get some x-rays done on her neck and spine. He gets paid on the 5th, so we should have some answers then.
At least we know that it's not the "C" word. That I am so very thankful for.
I hate to admit it, but I have kind of put her on the back burner the last week because we have been so busy with Rhett and Dakota. I need like 4 or 5 more hours in the afternoon. I have spent the last few weeks gathering documents needed for Dakota's home schooling.
I have been trying to keep up with everything, and it seems like I always miss something. I need like 4 clones or something.
Other than that we are just kind of in a watch and see type of mode, and I hate that.
Today we are thankful for all of our friends and family.....they are the best!!